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Aqua Ease

Therapy Pool

A series of walking exercises in warm, shallow water utilizing hand/arm movements to improve flexibility, coordination, and mobility. Appropriate for all levels.



Therapy Pool

A cardio and resistance challenge designed to build strength and endurance using interval training.

Splashin to the Classics

Therapy Pool

Come enjoy a shallow water cardio class set to music of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.

Deep Water Tabata

Therapy Pool

Tabata interval training is one of the most effective types of interval training.  Mixing this format with the properties of water this class will blast away the calories, increase endurance and strength.



Therapy Pool

Energize and tone with movements based on a variety of disciplines: Tabata, circuits, strength bootcamp, etc.


Energize and tone with movements based on a variety of disciplines - Tabata, circuits, strength, bootcamp, etc.

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