Home Cardio / Strength
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Full Body Strength & Sculpt Pop-Up

Studio A

Get a full body strength and resistance workout using dumbbells, bands, body weight and more! Build strength, improve muscle-mind connection, improve form, and burn calories! Some cardio may be incorporated. All skill and experience levels welcome!

Yoga Strength Pop-Up

Studio B

Starts with a vigorous flow, including strength intervals, all body weight based and balanced to get your heart rate up and your body strong and centered. This is your one stop class for strength, stretch, and bliss.

Step Aerobics Master Class

Studio C

Let's get physical with an "old skool" Step Aerobics Master Class! Put on your leotard, headband and get ready to sweat.

Camp Kish

Outside Patio


Studio C

Interval training with an intense mix of cardio, body weight exercises and strength training that accommodates all fitness levels.

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