Yoga Strength Pop-Up

Studio B

Starts with a vigorous flow, including strength intervals, all body weight based and balanced to get your heart rate up and your body strong and centered. This is your one […]

Balance and Challenge Pop-Up

Studio B

It's time to challenge your body and mind with this balance-focused yoga class. Explore the variety of standing balancing yoga postures that will make you stronger, revitalizing every part of […]

Power Yoga

Studio B

This multilevel class balances vigorous Vinyasa flow and longer static holds to build strength, flexibility, concentration and equanimity.  Experienced yogis will be challenged and beginners will be offered modifications for […]


Power Yoga

Studio B

This multilevel class balances vigorous Vinyasa flow and longer static holds to build strength, flexibility, concentration and equanimity.  Experienced yogis will be challenged and beginners will be offered modifications for […]

Chair Yoga

Studio B

A gentle practice in which postures are performed while seated and/or using the aid of chair for support.  This class will benefit those with balance issues or anyone who has […]


Purely Stretch

Studio A

Work on head to toe flexibility and balance. This class is designed to increase mobility for the entire body and will involve the use of a mat for floor work.


Restorative Yoga

Studio B

A slow paced class which incorporates mindful movements and deep stretches in connection with your breath for a total body relaxation.


Mindful Meditation

Studio B

A seated or reclining yoga practice focusing on breath work and self-reflection.  Calms the nervous system and brings students into a deep state of relaxation

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