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Yoga Core

Studio B

Body core exercises that flow together with a focus on strength and stability.  A practice with foundations in yoga, we stay grounded and incorporate yogic postures and breathing throughout class.


Restorative Yoga

Studio B

A slow paced class which incorporates mindful movements and deep stretches in connection with your breath for a total body relaxation.


Mindful Meditation

Studio B

A seated or reclining yoga practice focusing on breath work and self-reflection.  Calms the nervous system and brings students into a deep state of relaxation


Deep Water HIIT

Therapy Pool

This high intensity interval training aqua class will have you pushing yourself to the limits and burning calories using the resistance of the water while being easy on the joints.


Aqua Ease

Therapy Pool

A series of walking exercises in warm, shallow water utilizing hand/arm movements to improve flexibility, coordination, and mobility. Appropriate for all levels.


Slow Flow H2O

Therapy Pool

A warm water muscle conditioning class where we will combine Aqua Yoga with Aqua Ease to provide the best of both of these classes. You will be guided through a series of exercises focusing on flexibility and range of motion, as well as breathing techniques improving core stability and balance.


Chair Yoga

Studio B

A gentle practice in which postures are performed while seated and/or using the aid of chair for support. This class will benefit those with balance issues or anyone who has trouble getting down and up off the floor.  


Basic Yoga

Studio B

A rejuvenating experience designed for beginners and advanced practitioners. Focus on strength, flexibility, and balance while moving through standing and grounded postures and breathwork.  Come as you are, leave feeling refreshed and empowered.


Aqua Yoga

Therapy Pool

A low-impact yoga flow practiced in warm, shallow water incorporating dynamic standing postures while connecting mind and body with breath. Appropriate for all levels.


Therapeutic Yoga

Studio A

A therapy based approach which incorporates sensory techniques into traditional yoga to empower individuals in healing and managing stress. This class provides a deep stretch using yoga straps and is great for beginners, athletes and the avid workout enthusiast alike.

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